Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tony thinks TV's work both ways and that if he yells at the players and announcers during his important football game that maybe they'll hear him

I know I've addressed this before, but Tony is a HUGE University of Texas Fan.
And nothing brings it out in him like college football season.
And then, NOTHING brings it out more than one particular football game.

University of Texas vs. University of Oklahoma.
It's a biiiig deal.
Tony had no one to watch the game with this year, seeing as how we don't live anywhere near Texas and his only Texas-raised friends were not in town. So he watched it alone. But that did not tame him. Oh no, it did not. I stuck around for about 30 minutes of the game, but it was long enough for me to get ample video to be used on this blog.

And as I was leaving, I could still hear him shouting all the way down the street.

PS Full Disclosure- Tony had to help me make this video. I don't really know how to make videos and he does. It's kind of his thing. But the idea was mine, and he just helped me piece it together. So there you have it.


  1. GREAT video. I was doing a lot of the same, except for the whole national-anthem-hand-over-my-heart business, which I don't agree with, but that was probably the best part of the video! The cutting back-and-forth between that and other stuff was awesome! This blog is hilarious!

  2. Amazing! This is my favorite TTSAD yet! PS I feel like Dan and Tony will be friends, because other then participating in the national anthem while being played on TV (really funny!) he likes to yell at the TV and jump around too.

  3. You don't believe in having a "land of the free and home of the brave"? Communist.

  4. Yeah well thats another conversation for another day. Also Matthew pointed out that according to official flag hanging rules, your Texas flag should have the red on the right.

  5. I apoligize and am truely embarrased for that egregious error.

  6. Are you also "truely embarrased" at your spelling fail? hahaha

    Also, the flag thing actually seems a little counter-intuitive. The red on the left seems right to me, but Matthew looked up the official rules for hanging the flag vertically like that (because he did it in our room) and it is actually the other way.
