Today I went to a FedEx meeting for work. At the end of the seminar, they had a raffle and I won a model FedEx airplane.
I showed it to Tony when I saw him. He was beyond excited.
First, he opened the package and said,
"This is not an airplane. It's a tube that says FedEx."
I said,
"You have to assemble it."
He said,
"I get to assemble it?! Sweet!"
And so he did.
At this point we were in the car driving and so naturally he pretended that his airplane was flying. Complete with flying noises and, yes, holding it up to the window next to other cars driving by in an attempt to "race" them.
The following are also real quotes that he said.
"There are no red lights in the sky." (Sad that I ruined his flight by stopping the car.)
"There is a bike riding in the sky!" (When we passed a bike.)
"We're crashing! AAAAH! Where's Sully Sullenburger? Ahh we're going down, it's all over, the end! Ahh!... says the Fedex packages."
And just now as he was leaving, I closed my computer as he walked up to me and he said,
"It's Things Tony Says And Does, isn't it?"
And I said,
And he said,
"It's about the plane, isn't it?"
And I said,
And he said,
"Yeah, I deserved that."
My Inner Geek
13 years ago
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