Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tony goes to the fabric store and is shocked and appalled when they don't have his college among the collection of tacky sports fleeces.

Last night we were getting groceries for dinner and I asked Tony if he would mind stopping at the fabric store really quick just so I could buy some thread.
Tony has been to the fabric store with me before, but it was a cute local fabric store that only sells cotton, so he didn't exactly know what he was getting into when I dragged him into JoAnn Fabrics.

Tony found himself in the aisle with fleece with sports and college logos all over them. This aisle is also known as the tackiest and worst aisle in the store.

Then he spent about ten minutes in this aisle saying,
Where is the Texas fleece?
Oh, cool, look, there's the Blazers.
Wait, but for real, where is Texas?
Oh, what the? They have Texas Tech? They better have Texas.
Where is the Texas fleece?
Hey, do you see Texas?
WHAT?! Texas A&M! They better have Texas.
Where is it?
Oh, look, the Ducks.
But for real. Where is it?

They must be out.

So we continued with our shopping and then as I was checking out, Tony asked the lady at the desk, "So, are you out of the University of Texas fleece... or... like, why wasn't there any?"

1 comment:

  1. Seeing as how the University of Texas pulls in more money than any other college in the USA on merchandise, it was CLEARLY all sold out :)
